A hydraulic hinge, also known as a soft-close hinge, is a type of hinge designed to close a door or lid smoothly and quietly. It uses hydraulic technology to control the speed and force of the closure, preventing slamming and reducing wear and tear on the door and frame. Hydraulic hinges are commonly used in cabinets, furniture, and various types of doors where controlled and silent closing is desired. They provide a dampening effect, ensuring a gentle close, which enhances the durability and functionality of the item they are installed on.
Sure. We can provide free samples for you to test, and you only need to pay for international shipping. We guarantee that the order goods will be the same as the sample
Of course.We can ship to all the countries around the world via Express,Sea and Air. dolor in repre. We accept full container and LCL goods
All products have passed the sgs test. Contact us to send you a detailed test report.We inspect each production process by our QC. More than three years.
Yes.We have two workshop: hinges and slides. Located in Jieyang, the capital of hardware.We can provide video factory inspection
We have a large stock of accessories for regular shipments and can deliver common hinges in 7 to 10 days. For other hinges and drawer slide , the delivery time will be specified in the contract according to your requirements.
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